Freqtric Drums

"Without touch, a baby dies, the human heart aches, and the soul withers. Touch is communication on the most basic level. The needs for touch is a necessity throughout our lives, from birth to death, which serves to sustain us emotionally and physically".
from the Power of Touch, Phyllis K. Davis

Love is touch, touch is Love
by John Lennon

Freqtric Drums

deals with new types of human-machine interfaces. Just like using a touchscreen, communication here takes place via touch, but unlike tactile computer input, the human beings themselves become interactive surfaces and can communicate with each other via skin contact. Not just face to face; body to body too.

With every touch,

"Freqtric Drums" produces a drumming sound. Installation visitors can quickly and easily get started collaborating on a piece of music.



We have manufactured four types of product models for Freqtric Drums. Unfortunately, these has been already sold out now. If you need Freqtrc Drums for your exhibition or an event, please contact us. We offer you to rent Freqtric Drums.

Get in Touch

Freqtric Drums is corrected by art/science centre all over the world as a permanent correction


Tetsuaki Baba and Kiyoshi Tomimatsu. 2006. Freqtric drums. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Emerging technologies (SIGGRAPH '06). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 12 . DOI=

Tetsuaki Baba, Taketoshi Ushiama, and Kiyoshi Tomimatsu. 2007. Freqtric drums: a musical instrument that uses skin contact as an interface. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on New interfaces for musical expression (NIME '07). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 386-387. DOI=
